Family Therapy

There are some problems that are not individually rooted. They stem from tumultuous family dynamics. Family conflicts are best resolved by familial intervention, a method of evidence based therapy to improve communications and interactions amongst family members involved.

Family counseling seeks to include all members of the family, in order to identify the source of distress and eliminate it in a healthy non confrontational manner.

Family sessions can include immediate and/ or extended family members. Counseling aims to take into consideration the opinions and views of every person present in session. Family counseling allows families to overcome challenges and tough times, while helping them grow as a stronger and healthy unit.

Most common reasons family’s seek therapy include: Child behavior issues, Teen behavior issues, Child/parent conflict, Sibling rivalry, Child separation anxiety, Communication issues, In-law interference, Family conflicts, Substance or other types of addictions, Sudden or traumatic loss of a loved one, Divorce, marital conflicts or separation, Prolonged illness of a family member, Relocation or job change, Birth of a child and Adoption.

Family Therapy is an interactive form of counseling that benefits the entire family. Some few advantages of family counseling include: Learn to Identify sources of conflict and anxiety among family members, Promote problem solving, facilitate cohesion and improve communication, Allow healthy expression of emotions, and build empathy and understanding amongst family members.

  • Respecting and understanding the points of view and opinions of other family members
  • Develop and maintain healthy boundaries
  • Assist family members to support each other’s needs
  • Helping family to navigate stressful circumstances in a less volatile manner
  • Instilling a deeper sense of empathy towards one another

Family Therapy is designed to help restore the balance within the family dynamics for a successful and truly beneficial process, it is essential that family members enter sessions with an open mind and willingness to proactively address issues that are impacting the family.